
Geometric Coasters - Leo Rosin

  What is your project? My project was to make coasters and a coaster holder. How did you make it? I cut out my coasters on the Laser Cutter and made them in Adobe Illustrator.  I made my coaster holder on the CNC router using Adobe Illustrator and then translating it to Easel  What do you like most about your project? I liked that my coasters have a repeating pattern of one shape throughout.  What was challenging about this project? The most challenging part of this project was the fact that in the beginning, my computer decided to crash and delete my coasters multiple times.  What would you change about the project if you did it again? If I did this project again, for the coasters, I would go for a more varied design rather than shapes. Do not get me wrong, I love the shape, but I could have challenged myself a bit more with a nonrepeating design; for the coaster holder, I would likely have made the holder vertical rather than horizontal.  What is your plan for it now that it's d

V's Burgers - Design Tech Project

             My goal for the project I decided to work on for design tech was to make a set of coasters that each represented a different ingredient in your average burger. When alone, they can serve as coasters for your drink but when stacked come together to form a delicious-looking burger! I made it using a program called Illustrator, which enabled me to create the shapes and designs of my coasters. Once my designs were made, I chose the color of acrylic that I wanted to use for my coasters, and once I had everything downloaded, inserted my designs into the program which would then allow the laser cutter to both engrave and cut out my designs.       The thing I enjoyed most about my project was getting to see my designs becoming real life. Not only is it an interesting process to look at, but it was awesome getting to see the things that I had created on my own come to life and being able to hold them after. The most challenging part of this project was either creating the designs o

Coaster project (Freedom and Justice) - Ian N. (Possibly TBA)

  My coasters and coaster holders Project was based on symbols of justice and freedom. The symbols I used were the straw Hat Jolly roger; symbolizing peace and freedom, the Revolutionary Army symbol; representing justice, Roger’s Jolly roger; representing freedom and independence, and the Baroque symbol; representing justice. All of my symbols are meaningful to me, as they come from a literary work and TV show I and my friends used to love called “One Piece,” which has been ongoing for almost 30 years. I planned and sketched the dimensions for my coasters by hand before making them on Adobe Illustrator. All of my coasters were done by hand, as the only thing requiring some vectoring for reference were some bones. After some data loss and configuring, I was able to use the laser cutter to make my coasters, although I had to use a separate piece of Cherry hardwood for all except 2. For my coaster holder, I wanted to make it seem like it appears as a straw hat, which signifies freedom in

Cactus Coasters - Design Tech Project

 My project is a wooden pot, with detachable green acrylic coasters. I made it by first gathering inspiration from similar projects other people have made and making a proposal. Once the proposal was accepted I started working in Illustrator to make the cactus print for the coasters. When that was ready, I waited for my green acrylic to arrive and put myself in line for the laser cutter. I had to do a lot of test prints for my coasters, since they each have a slot that needs to fit perfectly into the other coasters. I had to do three test runs and use a professional measuring tool to find the perfect measurement. After I found them, I was able to use the laser cutter to make all my coasters. The second part was my pot. For the pot, I had to import correctly measured shapes of my pot into an app called Easel. Easel then connected to the CNC cutting device and I was able to cut out my coasters. Then I chipped away at the edges to keep the circular shape and glued them all together. I cam

Family Coasters - Design Tech Project

     For my design tech project, I chose to make coasters, one to symbolize each member of my immediate family. The four coasters contain each of the first letters of their names, each with an object next to or in front of the letters symbolizing one of our top interests. The puzzle-shaped pieces serve two functions - not only can the four small coasters be used together for larger items (shown below), but they also show our family is not complete without all of us. In addition to the coasters, I made a stylish coaster holder that stores the coasters on their sides.      With help from Mr. Grisbee, my teacher, and some inspiration online, I designed my coasters and coaster holder by using Adobe Illustrator, a lengthy and work-intensive process. I then cut the coasters using a laser cutter, and the coaster holder on the CNC router and table saw.       My favorite part of this project was seeing my project being cut out because I could see them in real life instead of on Illustrator.   

Tessellations - Brandon Foertsch

I made five coasters of tessellations, the coaster holder also doubling as a fifth coster. I used Adobe Illustrator, the laser cutter, and the CNC router. I looked online for inspiration and made my tessellation designs in Adobe Illustrator. I used the laser cutter to cut the coasters and the coster engravings and used the CNC router to cut the holder. I like how the coasters turned out and I am glad that I used the darkest wood, the walnut. My biggest challenge during this project was figuring out how deep and how wide my coster holder cuts would be. It took three tries to get this right. If I could change one thing about this project, I would reprint the top left coster and engrave the opposite way. I am excited to take these coasters home!

Fruit Of The Board - Aliya Kyle

For my project, I made four 1/8in maple coasters. The coasters had engravings of different fruits on them. I made my coasters and coaster holder using the laser cutter. I like that I was able to achieve multiple layers on my coasters even though they are thin. I found making the curves on the seeds for the watermelon very challenging. If I could do this project again I would make a whole lemon instead of a cross-section of it. In the future I want to put some form of sealant on the coasters so they won’t absorb any moisture from whatever beverage is put on top.