planer stopping jaw dropping super amazing cutting board

I made an end grain cutting board, now you might be thinking wtf is an end grain cutting board? It is a cutting board that is made out of a certain type of cut of wood. to begin there are 3 types of cuts, face grain, side grain, and face grain. face grain wood is commonly known as a piece of wood that is larger when you are looking at a plank, so it's the side that you would normally lay down facing the ground. side grain wood is the type of wood that is on the side of a plank, and the end grain is the stuff with all the little wholes in it, that is to say, when you look really closely at it you can see the holes that the tree used to transport water/nutrients to its upper bits. the end grain is the best type of cutting board to make because it is the best at keeping your knife sharp and is also the coolest looking (in my case at least). But how do you achieve the type of end grain cutting board I did, you first cut all boards lengthwise and glue them together one after the other so it makes an alternating pattern, then glue them together, and after they dry then you will put it through the planer to get a nice smooth top for the next gluing. Then you will do the same thing but you make the cuts perpendicular to the cuts you did the last time

and then glue that together and put it through the planer. After all that, you will have a nice smooth-sided board, what I did know was to trim off the rougher edges, because in the gluing process the edges sometimes get a little uneven. The last step is to bevel the edges and seal the whole cutting board, with you do by dunking it in oil, the oil will;l make it more water-resistant, and it is now ready for use! how fun.


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