Butterfly Life Cycle Coasters -Kamilla Spencer

🪴🌸 Butterfly Life Cycle Coasters 🌸🪴 Reflection 🦋: I designed my project using Adobe Illustrator, based off of the different stages in the life cycle of a monarch butterfly. I chose this species because of the fond memories I have of watching them grow up in my backyard. I printed the holder using the classroom's CNC router and cut out the coasters using the laser cutter. I used dark brown walnut wood for both of the items. My favorite part of this project was seeing my brainstorming and planning come to life through the use of these machines. The most challenging part of this assignment was building the various designs and details with the Adobe Illustrator program. If I did my project again, I would like to find a way to add color into the designs and possibly use different kinds of wood for the holder and coasters. I am planning on giving my coasters to my parents as a birthday gift this summer!