Ace Coasters - Design Tech Project

Ace Coasters 🂡

I made four coasters for the four aces in a deck of playing cards. My coaster holder was a loose copy of the traditional Bicycle card box. I made both using Adobe Illustrator and a laser cutter. I designed a net for me to fold into a box and engraved patterns using the laser cutter. I made the pattern for my coaster using Adobe Illustrator and then cut and engraves the coasters also with the laser cutter. After finshing my coasters, I varnished them with varnish oil. My favorite part of my coasters is the precision in the design. Every little detail I designed shows up clearly on the coaster due to the laser cutter's ability to engrave very precisely. The toughest part was designing the perfect box. My first box had issues with the power of the engraving and the cards did not fit snuggly. The designs on my second box were not perfectly centered but finally, on my third attempt, everything was perfect! If I had to change my project, I would add a different and fancier design to my box. I plan on keeping the coasters to give to my family. 


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