Rumi Coaster Holder - Design Tech Project

  • My project was to make coaster designs that fit into coaster holders. 
  • To do this project, I started off by making different designs that I wanted on my coaster using Adobe Illustrator. To do this, I created 4 different artboards (each for one design). After I finished the design, I sent all of the designs to my Google Drive where I uploaded it on the device that is connected to the laser cut machine. After I finished connecting the device to the laser cut machine, I started the process of making sure the design was where I wanted the laser to cut into the wood. After the laser cut machine finished, I went ahead and got started on my coaster holder. to do this I again created my design using Adobe Illustrator. After I finished creating the outline for my coaster holder, I went on to a different website called Easel Inventable where I was able to log in and finalize everything for my coaster holder. After this, I connected it to the CNC Router where I placed my piece of wood, and it started making a hole in the wood for my coasters to go. After the holder was complete, I finished the wood by sanding it down to make it smooth and also putting varnish on it to make sure it stayed intact. 
  • My favorite part of this project was creating the designs for this coaster. I really enjoyed it as I personalized it for my dog (Rumi)! 
  • The hardest part about this project was making sure everything was precise and in the center of the wood that I was using, and making sure it was centered in the artboard(in Adobe Illustrator)
  • If I could re-do the project, I would make my coaster holder deeper because after the CNC finished cutting it, the holder was only able to hold a maximum of 2 coasters. 
  • Now that my project is done, I am excited to take it home to show my family, and to see their reactions once I show it to them!


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