Sports-Themed Engraved Coaster Set - Design Tech Project

What is your project?
I created a coaster set with a coaster holder from walnut wood.
How did you make it?
I initially had to create the design on Adobe Illustrator, which probably took the longest of any portion of this project. Afterwards, I got to print my designs. With the coasters, they were laser cut. The coaster holder was created with a CNC router, aptly named the “Carvey.” It was printed in two pieces, which were glued together. The difference between these two methods is important. The laser cutter works best on engraving. The only issue is that it does leave char marks on the wood, as seen on the side of my coasters. The “Carvey” works well with thicker materials and for deep cuts, evidenced by the coaster holder, with the deeper cuts and the creation of that pocket for the coasters. After everything was printed, the sanding came. This was likely the second longest portion of the project and the one that was equivalent to arm day. The final touch was to put two layers of finish on all pieces.
What do you like most about your project?
I enjoyed reaching that finish line. I put in hard work, and was rewarded with something that's useful to have around the house.
What was challenging about this project?
The toughest part was starting. I personally had a hard time trying to understand how to use Illustrator at first. Once you begin to use the software enough, it becomes much easier.
What would you change about the project if you did it again?
I would have appreciated a little more time to acclimate myself with Illustrator.
What is your plan for it now that it's done?
I plan to put them in the bar at my house, as that is the main place where we use coasters.
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