Natural Beauty!☺️
The first project in our DEsign tech semester was creating an original cutting board. I teamed up with Sienna to create our amazing, stunning, project. We started by choosing the different wood we wanted to use. We decided on using maple and walnut wood. Next, we looked for a reference picture that we wanted to use for our cutting board pattern. Here is the picture we referenced.
Let’s just say it didn’t turn out exactly like our reference but it’s still acceptable. This is what our board turned out as!
The next step was measuring and cutting our wood planks. The most difficult part of this process was using the saw. It made me very uncomfortable when I first worked with it. To be honest, it was kinda scary but after I tried it a couple of times of using it I gained more confidence.
After cutting our wood pieces we glued them together, making sure they are pressed together to not form any cracks. We let the wood sit for a couple of days to make sure it was all stuck together, then we scraped off the access. We then split the wood into 2 evenly sized pieces and sanded them down to form a smooth surface on all the sides of our cutting board.
We have now come to our final steps of making a chamfer and applying the finishing oil! ( we didn’t have enough so we just used mineral oil, it works the same!) The planks are now nice and polished as we used the steel wool. Want to see the finished product? Well, we aren’t there yet so we can't really show you just yet, but I’ll upload it later.
Overall, this project was definitely a learning experience. I learned how to work with wood since I’ve only worked with it a few times in the past. I was introduced to working with power tools which was really fun. I know now to be extremely careful when it comes to using saws because you could get seriously injured! And of course, I was able to create a beautiful cutting board that my family will probably take away and store into their collection of the things my brother and I have made since we were kids.
I’m really glad I got to partake in this project and I am looking forward to the next one!
Here is the final R
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